Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I can't stop smiling, thank you for an awesome night. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

oh my god oh my god oh my god
I am so in love right now.

i know you're reading this..
you're right. thanks for being a complete asshole.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

sick, so I'm going to a job fair today, hopefully i FINALLY get a job, hoooly. last night was fun, i totally didn't even get time to write about it though, but basically my friends rule. I'm too lazy to write about what actually happened last night, and I'm supposed to be getting ready right now, or else shelby is going to chop my head off, so I beettter go, maybe i'll have something more interesting to write later, haha.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

okay so I seriously need to start saving my money. I have a serious shopping addiction and I tend to buy everything in sight, fuuuck. I don't even have a job, and I keep meaning to save the last paycheck I got.. too bad that never happened. I think I might have like 200 left if I'm lucky. I really need a job or something. maybe I could just win the lottery? that would be cool.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i wish you would let me get to know you better. sometimes i feel like you're building a wall to keep me out. i promise that i won't hurt you, because i know that you deserve so much better.
I'm feeling so many mixed emotions lately. One second I'm completely happy and everything is going great, when the next second I could be feeling absolutely horrible. I think it's the weather or something, I hate this time of year. I just want things to get back into routine (maybe that would happen if I had some school work to do or something every once and a while). I'll probably end up finishing the book I'm reading tonight, which happens to seem really good so far! (Mister B Gone by Clive Barker) Ugh, I totally need to get my license really soon. Not being able to drive sucks.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

not to self : stop slacking so much in school. just because it's easy, does not mean it's okay to not do anything.

ugh, seriously though, i need to start catching up on missed assignments.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm so happy with you (even if i'm not technically with you yet), but i'm really happy no matter what. you finally make me want to sing again, i feel like my mouth is going to fall off from smiling so much. thanks for giving me a chance. i promise i won't let you down.

such a good day. i finally have everything planned out for school, and i don't think that i could be any happier. for once i'm actually sure about one thing in my life, and i'm so happy that i have kim to be there for me through everything. next year is going to be so amazing, i can't wait to get out of here.